We first spotted the Albatross on the Wildlife Refuge next to the Kilauea Lighthouse. https://www.kauai.com/kilauea-lighthouse The birds were flying over at times. The rookery was further away and not accessible. We did spot two parents and a juvenile at the rookery.
There were three at first on the golf course, clicking, dancing off beat, bowing and screaming. These large birds made quite the spectacle and were fun to watch. She picked her mate and the other male flew away. With wing spans over 9 feet, these birds can fly up to 10,000 miles in a single trip. They can live up to 70 years.
Brown Boobie was not as common as the Red-Footed Boobie
The Great Frigatebird is a highly mobile and wide-ranging seabird found across much of the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans, and parts of the South Atlantic. The species breeds on most of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (an estimated 5,000 pairs), with the largest breeding colony found on Nihoa(off the coast of Kauai) . A single breeding record from Mokumanu Islet off Oʻahu is the only breeding record for the Southeastern Hawaiian Islands. However, Great Frigatebirds can be found year-round in all of the Hawaiian Islands and are often seen roosting or soaring over offshore islets in large numbers, often numbering into the hundreds. On Kauaʻi, Great Frigatebirds are regularly seen at coastal locations anywhere around the island, but are easiest to see at Kilauea Point, where there are usually numerous birds soaring over the point itself, over nearby Crater Hill, or roosting on Mokuʻaeʻae Islet just north of the lighthouse. Taken from this site: https://kauaiseabirdproject.org/great-frigatebird/