Medusa – Bronze on petrified rock with turquoise poured in 2003 – finished 2020 with Steve’s help drilling holes into the rock which was no easy feat. My son Shane soldered it to the petrified rock. I added the turquoise last. NFS or I should add that I would be hard pressed to part with this one. We found the Petrified rock in Utah. Our travels just keep adding to my work. The outdoors is very inspirational!

Lachesis was the apportioner. She decided how much time in each life allowed for each person or being. She measured the thread of life with her rod. She is also said to choose a person’s destiny after a thread was measured. In mythology, it is said that she appears with her sisters within three days of a baby’s birth to decide its fate.

Shark Attack – Watercolor – Gave to my grandson, Lincoln who loves Sharks and Shark Week. I painted it at their beach house, not from seeing one in the ocean, but found examples on line.

Cheetah family – watercolor on paper – $600 Sold